Flexsoft solutions 2024-01-26T15:47:48+00:00 Flexsoft solutions 2024-01-26T15:47:48+00:00 2024-01-26T15:47:48+00:00 Fire in the Lake: Sovereign of Discord Expansion War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 50.00

Building off of Mark Herman and Volko Runke’s legendary game Fire in the Lake, the Sovereign of Discord Expansion provides a prequel to the events depicted in the base game, covering the years 1961-1963. The expansion allows players to see how the war escalated from an insurgency between ARVN and Viet Cong, assisted by the US and North Vietnam, to the eventual conventional interventions by North Vietnam and the United States at the start of the base game. New scenarios allow players to extend the game backward to 1961 right after the formation of the Viet Cong, or to 1963 during the tumultuous last year of the Diem regime. Players owning both expansions, Sovereign of Discord and Fall of Saigon, will be able to experience the full Indochina War from 1961 to 1975. This allows players to see how the war evolved from the lower intensity insurgency of the Diem period all the way to the massive conventional offensives of the last years of the war. A copy of Fire in the Lake will be necessary to play the Sovereign of Discord expansion.

New mechanics are introduced to reflect the war prior to escalation by the US and North Vietnam and the unique aspects of the Diem Regime:

  • 1961 and 1963 Scenarios with a Fall of Diem Sequence allow players to continue play into the Fire in the Lake Campaign Scenario (1964-1972), or even through to Fall of Saigon (1973-1975) if players also possess the sequel expansion.
  • New ARVN Strategic Hamlet pieces and mechanics reflect the Diem regime’s strategy of relocating the population into fortified villages.
  • Hanoi and Washington Tracks control the number of available pieces and some abilities of the Viet Cong and ARVN factions. In addition, rather than possessing Troops, the US and NVA each use Advisor pieces, which allow them to enhance and control the units of their South Vietnamese allies.
  • A Regime Stability Track affects the cost of ARVN Operations to model the rising urban instability and coup plotting against the Ngo Dinh Diem regime.
  • A head-to-head 2 player scenario uses the Initiative system from Brian Train’s Colonial Twilight for players wanting to focus on the internal clash between the Viet Cong and ARVN, and might also be suitable as an introductory scenario for players new to Fire in the Lake.
  • 72 new Events cover the 1961-1963 period, and four new Pivotal Events represent debates in Washington and Hanoi over their level of aid, the Strategic Hamlet Program by the Diem regime, and the major summer offensive by the Viet Cong. In addition, a new ARVN leader Card, Ngo Dinh Diem, is in play throughout the early 1960s scenarios and new Coup! Events reflect threats to Diem’s hold on power.
  • A solitaire system using the card-based Non-player system, similar to those provided with the Tr’ung Bot Update Pack and Fall of Saigon.

Fire in the Lake Bonus Content
In addition to extending Fire in the Lake back to the early 1960s, Sovereign of Discord also includes additional bonus content for the base game:

  • 40 new Events (8 new 1964 Events, 16 new 1965 Events, 16 new 1968 Events) covering themes such as women’s role in the war, civilian victimization, the effect of the war on South Vietnamese society, North Vietnamese strategies, and the 1964 escalation debate. Among the new Events is also one new Capability Event for each faction.
  • Two new short scenarios:
    • Turning Point (1967 to 1969), covering the period of fiercest offensives by both communist and allied forces to win control of the countryside.
    • Long 1964 (Mid 1963 to Early 1965), covering the period that historian Frederick Logevall refers to as the “long 1964,” representing the crucial escalation debates in North Vietnam and the United States.
Availability_Available period_Post World War Two to Modern publisher_GMT series_COIN Default Title 50.00 GMT2316 2001 2023-11-19T12:08:16+00:00 2023-11-19T12:08:16+00:00 Valley of Tears: The Yom Kippur War, 1973 War Games Multi-Man Publishing

Vendor: Multi-Man Publishing
Type: War Games
Price: 160.00

Valley of Tears is a Battalion Combat Series game depicting the entire 1973 Yom Kippur war from 6 Oct 73 until the ceasefire enforced by the Superpowers and the UN. As the culmination of over 20 years of research in consultation with world-class experts, Valley of Tears shows the Yom Kippur war at a level of detail not yet seen. For the first time ever, for example, the game’s maps were precisely drawn using actual tactical Israeli maps used during the war and include the official code names for hilly defensive positions in both battle areas.

Valley of Tears takes the BCS into a whole new level: that of post WW2 operations. For example, its dedicated air warfare system allows BCS players to not only pit F-4 Phantoms against MiG-21 Fishbeds in the contest for air superiority, but also assign the Front’s air units to execute SEAD and Deep Strike (both RAM and DOMINQUE) missions (to suppress the ever present SAM threat and attack enemy air bases/destroy enemy infrastructure, respectively) as well as the traditional (but more effective) BCS Close Air Support missions.

The game presents the largest tank battle since WWII, with the Cold War adversaries fighting a proxy war where the latest Centurion and Patton tanks faced off against T-62s following Soviet tactical doctrines.

Expecting to have to repeat the war’s of 1967 and 1956, the Israelis were confronted by the then-new and unexpected masses of Sagger missiles and RPG hand-held weapons. It’s your job to win the war, with or against, these new weapons and the much more effective and versatile air war to generate a win without taking excessive casualties making the win Pyrrhic.

Can you master the deadly environment and become the victor?

The Yom Kippur War: Two Front Campaign (All 4 maps)
On the Banks of the Suez: The Sinai Front Campaign (3 maps)
Syrians at the Border: Golan Front Campaign (1 map)
Dual for the Golan (1 map)
Iraqi Intervention (1 map)
Aryeh Dov (1 map)
Operation Stouthearted Men (less than 1 map)
Africa (2 maps)

BCS rulebook (v2.0, in full color)
Two BCS Charts and Tables (v2.0, in full color)
BCS Support rulebook (v2.0, in full color)
VoT Game Specific rulebook
Israeli Player Booklet
Arab Player Booklet
Turn Record Track Card
Israeli Player Display Card
Arab Player Display Card
Two Frontal Air Display Cards
Four 22” x 34” Full Color Game Maps (Three Sinai, One Golan)
1,400 Counters (Three unit sheets and Two BCS marker sheets)
8 scenarios total, 4 one-map (or smaller) scenarios of 2 to 5 turns.
Box and Dice

Availability_Sold_out period_Post World War Two to Modern publisher_Multi-Man Publishing Default Title 160.00 MMPBCSVOT 1600 2023-10-19T19:37:56+01:00 2023-10-19T19:37:56+01:00 Goose Green (Ziplocked) War Games Multi-Man Publishing

Vendor: Multi-Man Publishing
Type: War Games
Price: 35.00

"Goose Green" is a Tactical Combat Series (TCS) board-wargame covering the first land battle of the Falklands War on May 28, 1982. The outcome of this engagement was crucial for both the Argentinians and the British: The Argentinians needed to prove themselves against the professional British war machine, while the British needed a land victory to satisfy the government and the public after recently suffering naval losses. Originally intended as a raid, the clash became a full 14-hour battle resulting in a hard-fought British victory.

Goose Green covers this entire battle in turns representing 20-30 minutes each, and a map scale of 125 yards per hex. Units range from sections to platoons. Both sides fielded what was roughly a reinforced Battalion, making for a battle that made for a quick playing game with great replay value. With just a minimum of special rules, this game brings the TCS to the 1980s, where in a classic infantry confrontation, not a lot has changed since WWII.

The British player must orchestrate a fast-paced attack crossing the entire map, removing all points of Argentinian resistance, and capturing Goose Green with a minimum of losses. He must make good use of few supporting arms available (half a battery of artillery, MILAN ATGMs and light mortar and MG support) to overcome dug-in Argentinian forces that outnumber the British by 2:1.

The Argentinian player has solid troops with reasonable artillery and air support but must create a defence in depth against a better lead British force accustomed to a higher operational tempo and greater firepower. Every turn requires important decisions of when to hold the line, when to withdraw, and where to commit the few remaining reserves to delay and possibly stop the British attack.

The Argentinians do not have the motivation and training level of the British but are dug-in with the benefit of minefields, trenches, numerous heavy weapons, and AA guns to assist the defence.


The Battle of Goose Green (historical deployment, 39 turns)
Burntside House and Low Pass (5 turns)
Darwin Hill (15 turns)
The Airfield and the Schoolhouse (14 turns)
Bloody Goose Green (full battle with better Argentine deployment, 40 turns)

TCS rulebook (version 4.01)
Goose Green game-specific rulebook
2 x TCS Charts & Tables
One Full Colour Game Map (22"x34")
140 Counters
Zip Lock Bag

Availability_Available period_Modern period_Post World War Two to Modern publisher_Multi-Man Publishing series_Tactical Combat Default Title 35.00 MMPTCS-GG 1501 2023-09-22T14:27:17+01:00 2023-09-22T14:27:17+01:00 We Are Coming, Nineveh War Games Nuts Wargames

Vendor: Nuts Wargames
Type: War Games
Price: 78.99

Availability_Sold_out period_Post World War Two to Modern publisher_Ares publisher_Nuts Wargames Default Title 78.99 AREWACN21070 1700 2023-09-22T13:57:26+01:00 2023-09-22T13:57:26+01:00 Saigon 75 War Games Nuts Wargames

Vendor: Nuts Wargames
Type: War Games
Price: 67.99

Availability_Available period_Post World War Two to Modern publisher_Ares publisher_Nuts Wargames Default Title 67.99 ARESAIGON7522075 950 2023-06-07T17:07:20+01:00 2023-06-07T17:07:20+01:00 The British Way: Counterinsurgency at the End of Empire War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 79.99

The British Way: Counterinsurgency at the End of Empire is the first of several COIN multipacks, containing four separate wargames exploring a series of thematically related insurgencies. Between 1945 and 1960, the British fought four major “emergencies”, as they referred to their counterinsurgency campaigns, each trying to manage their retreat from empire. The four games in this pack focus on exploring British counterinsurgent responses to a variety of different opponents, including communist insurgents in Malaya, militant nationalists in Kenya, and smaller and more clandestine terrorist organizations in Palestine and Cyprus. The games adjust the core COIN mechanics to provide a compelling new way of handling two-player conflicts, while also streamlining several mechanics to quicken gameplay. The British Way offers an approachable introduction to the COIN series for new players, while presenting experienced players with four mechanically distinct games to explore and compare.

Availability_Sold_out period_Modern period_Post World War Two to Modern publisher_GMT series_COIN Default Title 79.99 GMT2302 2290 2023-03-30T14:55:24+01:00 2023-03-30T14:55:24+01:00 Skyhawk - Rolling Thunder, 1966 War Games Legion Wargames

Vendor: Legion Wargames
Type: War Games
Price: 67.99

Solitaire game design by Steve Dixon & Bob Best

Skyhawk is a game which puts the player in the cockpit of an A-4E Skyhawk of VA-72 flying missions during the early days of Operation Rolling Thunder. Your base of operations is the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt on duty at Yankee Station. You play as a Navy pilot flying strike missions against targets in North Vietnam. Your goal will be to survive a mission or a campaign.
The Skyhawk was a nimble aircraft and was capable of carrying slightly over four tons of
ordnance. Depending on your target, the player has the opportunity to load out his aircraft to meet the mission requirements. The missions will not be easy. President Johnson and his civilian advisors may even change your target or ordnance loading depending upon the political situation in the USA.

Facing you will be a determined North Vietnamese force. It is possible you will face small arms fire, AAA, SAM launches, and a rare encounter with a MiG.  You will have help. Support Forces allow the player to attack NV defense forces before you attack your target. Their success could make your job easier.

The player may fly a single mission or play one of the three campaigns included in the game. These campaigns are:
First Tour of Duty: Yankee Station: 10 August 1966 – 10 September 1966
Second Tour of Duty: Yankee Station 20 October 1966 – 27 December 1966
The third campaign combines the two campaigns above with additional rules.

The game is not meant to be a detailed simulation of the Rolling Thunder campaign. It is a simple yet engaging, quick game for the player. Concepts for the game come from B-29 Superfortress, Target for Today, Target for Tonight, and Kenney’s Boys as well as Able Dog, a free print and play game by Patrick Millin. Some of the concepts used in Skyhawk will be expanded upon in the upcoming Operation Linebacker II game by myself and Bob Best.


Availability_Sold_out period_Post World War Two to Modern players_Solitaire publisher_Legion Wargames Default Title 67.99 900 2023-01-06T12:30:23+00:00 2023-01-06T12:30:23+00:00 Spruance Leader War Games Dan Verssen Games

Vendor: Dan Verssen Games
Type: War Games
Price: 129.99

Spruance Leader focuses on commanding and managing a US Navy Carrier Battle Group in the Cold War setting of the 80s and 90s, simulating major naval conflicts in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Carrier battle groups, comprising aircraft carriers and their escorting ships, must be protected from the devastating attacks of missiles, torpedoes, bombs, and enemy vessels. Attack submarines which threaten the carrier battle groups have to be hunted down and neutralized. Air assets must be carefully assigned to combat air patrols, long-range strategic missions and attack strikes. You will need to manage the right combination of seaborne and airborne resources under your command in order to complete the various types of missions, and lead your group to victory.

Availability_Available period_Post World War Two to Modern publisher_Dan Verssen Games Default Title 129.99 DVG061 2001 2022-08-26T11:51:21+01:00 2022-08-26T11:51:21+01:00 Flashpoint: South China Sea Board & Card Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: Board & Card Games
Price: 44.99

We are strongly committed to safeguarding the country's sovereignty and security, and defending our territorial integrity.” - Chinese President Xi Jinping

The United States will continue to fly, sail and operate wherever international law allows, and support the right of all nations to do the same.” - U.S. PACOM Commander Chief Admiral Harry B. Harris Jr.

Vietnam does not pursue a military buildup, but Vietnam pursues protecting our sovereignty, firstly with peaceful measures, diplomatic measures, and even justice measures.” -Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc


Flashpoint: South China Sea is a two-player strategy game that simulates the complex geopolitical contest currently taking place between the United States and China in a disputed region of the South China Sea. The game is driven by a card deck that captures developments ripped straight from today’s headlines, bolstered by cards with a context-setting reading of recent history, and a set of speculative cards capturing a diverse range of potential future events. 

The Chinese player works to influence other countries in the region, establish territorial claims and regional hegemony, and improve its world standing. The U.S. player works to maintain influence with allied countries in the region, secure freedom of navigation, and keep China in check. Success for both players hinges on the support and allegiance of non-player countries in the region. The game stops short of dealing with a potential full-scale military conflict. Rather, it requires the nuanced exercise of political, economic, and military resources, in a form of prima facie diplomacy – on the waters, in the air, and ultimately in the minds of the people – to achieve victory.

Each player manages a hand of cards that can be used immediately for various operations, or may be held for future operations under more favorable circumstances. 

Strategically, there are several key focal points for the players:


  • First, the US player bears the burden of keeping the region’s shipping lanes free and open. If the US player falls behind in Freedom of Navigation Operations, Chinese claims grow and game momentum will shift.

  • Both players must take heed of the game’s Tension Track, which directly influences the impact of events. If the Track is not managed properly, a high level of tension can increase the stakes and derail the 'best-laid plans'. 

  • The Chinese player must work to improve Chinese World Standing, which affords them added influence as their World Standing increases. The US player can win by reducing Chinese World Standing to a critically low level. 

  • Protagonist countries in the region are key influence battlegrounds for the players. This represents the pragmatic reality that claimant countries in the region have unique impact on international dispute resolution mechanisms. If the Chinese can influence them to the point that they will not exercise those claims, the Chinese position is strengthened. If the US can influence and support them to consistently exercise their claims, China’s position is weakened. In the game, both players attempt to assert economic and military influence on these claimant countries.

  • In order to increase the strength of their claims in the region, the Chinese can develop islands. This development will cost influence in the region and increase Tension, but is a cornerstone of Chinese strategy. To counter these claims, the United States must conduct offsetting Freedom of Navigation Operations. These Freedom of Navigation Operations help keep the Chinese claims in check but must be diligently maintained.

As the United States player, can you defend the claims of your allies, stare down the Chinese player in a high stakes game of chicken, and use your economic and military influence in the region to thwart China’s expansion? Can you erode or limit Chinese World Standing while frustrating their ambitions, without allowing Tension to get out of control? 

As the Chinese player, can you use your developing economic and military power in the region to solidify your claims and develop strategic dominance of the region?

Flashpoint: South China Sea lets you determine how this conflict will play out in a fast-to-play, easy-to-learn game.


  • 1 22 x 17" mounted map board
  • 40+ wooden influence cubes and markers
  • 60+ cards 
  • 2 six-sided dice
  • 1 Rulebook and Designer Notes
Availability_Sold_out period_Post World War Two to Modern publisher_GMT Default Title 44.99 GMT2120 1150 2022-08-19T12:32:03+01:00 2022-08-19T12:32:03+01:00 Fire in the Lake: Fall of Saigon War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 48.99

The Great Spring Offensive

Vietnam, 1975. The Provisional Revolutionary Government was ready. After internal debate, the Communists had issued Resolution 21—the war to unify the country would continue. The Paris Peace would serve as merely one more tool in the armed struggle. In Saigon, President Thieu had known from the beginning that the ceasefire was an empty promise, but he had to accept his US ally’s hollow accords with the North. Nonetheless, he now fielded one of the world’s best equipped armies, and the victories of 1972 proved to him that it could withstand even an all-out assault from the North. While President Nixon had pledged peace with honor, his determination to enforce South Vietnam’s independence had floundered amidst the worst US presidential scandal in history. What now from Ford? From Hanoi, Le Duc Tho—the negotiator who had squared off against Kissinger in Paris—was to trek south to oversee the final push to Saigon on behalf of the Politburo. His orders: “Do not come home until victory is won.”

Mark Herman and Volko Ruhnke’s award-winning Fire in the Lake revealed the factional clashes of the US insurgency in Vietnam, from the first entry of US combat troops under Westmoreland to the ’72 Christmas bombings that teed up their negotiated withdrawal. Now, Fall of Saigon expands Fire in the Lake to finish the story. Three Fall of Saigon scenarios enable 1-4 players to extend play beyond Paris, beginning before 1968’s Tet, on the eve of the 1972 Easter Offensive, or from 1964 all the way to the end of the war. A standalone 2‑player Black April scenario focuses tightly on the post-Paris sparring between NVA and ARVN, including the final massive battles, advances, and retreats.

To show the transition from insurgency and counterinsurgency to mobile mechanized warfare, Fall of Saigon introduces an array of new features, including:


  • Paris Peace Talks that may result in either US or NVA Retreat—or both.
  • A building US Anti-War Movement and Northern War Weariness penalizing the continued campaigns.
  • US Posture that players influence to allow anything from full-bore US economic and financial backing of ARVN’s defense and even a return of US heavy bombers over the North to utter abandonment of South Vietnam.
  • Hard-hitting NVA and ARVN Armor units capable of lightning Spearhead actions and of capturing the enemy’s vehicles to turn around for their own use in the next attack.
  • Head-to-head action, NVA versus ARVN, using the acclaimed 2-player Initiative system from COIN Series Volume VII, Colonial Twilight, by Brian Train.
  • 72 new Event cards for 1973-1975 and four new Pivotal Events to portray the political struggles in Washington, Hanoi, and Saigon; the building conventional military capabilities of the combatants; NVA probes and ARVN counterthrusts; threatened US enforcement of the Accords by air; and the chaos of the final collapse.
  • For solitaire players, Fall of Saigon introduces the popular new card-based Non-player system from Bruce Mansfield, designer of COIN Series Volume IX, Gandhi.


    Fall of Saigon will include 79 Event, Pivotal Event, and Coup cards; about 30 Non-player cards; one sheet of counters and track tiles; about 20 added wooden pieces; new and updated player aid charts; and expansion rule and play booklets. Fire in the Lake veterans will find the war beyond Paris easy to rev up but a whole new experience. Fight on and find the end of the tunnel. A copy of Fire in the Lake will be necessary to play the Fall of Saigon expansion.


  • Deck of 79 playing cards (Fall of Saigon Events, Coups, Pivotals).
  • Deck of 36 playing cards (FoS solitaire system).
  • 29 wooden pieces
  • 4 double-sided color 11x17” foldout PACs (Fall of Saigon Faction sheets).
  • 2 double-sided color 8½x11” PACs (Fall of Saigon Coup Round and Paris Peace sheets).
  • 2 double-sided color 11x17” foldout PACs (FoS solitaire system).
  • 2 double-sided color 8½x11” PACs (FoS solitaire system).
  • 1 Countersheet (US Policy and Initiative track tiles, Fall of Saigon counters).
  • Expansion Rules booklet
  • Expansion Background booklet
  • Solitaire Rules booklet
  • Game Box

  • Note: Fall of Saigon is compatible with the First and Second Edition of Fire in the Lake, as well as the Second Edition Upgrade Kit. The Solitaire System included in Fall of Saigon is for the Fall of Saigon only, and cannot be used to play the Scenarios included in Fire in the Lake.

    Game Design: Mark Herman and Volko Ruhnke
    Development: Jason Carr

    Solitaire System: Bruce Mansfield
    Availability_Available period_Post World War Two to Modern publisher_GMT series_COIN Default Title 48.99 GMT2111 1210 2022-07-22T16:01:37+01:00 2022-07-22T16:01:37+01:00 Red Storm: Baltic Approaches War Games GMT

    Vendor: GMT
    Type: War Games
    Price: 42.99

    Red Storm: Baltic Approaches is the first expansion for GMT’s Red Storm game of operational level air combat between NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Red Storm: Baltic Approaches adds the air forces of three new countries (Denmark, Sweden, and Poland) along with additional units for nations represented in Red Storm, including US Navy and US Marine Corps aircraft. The game will also add naval units, anti-ship missiles, maritime weather, and rules covering other facets of air combat in the predominantly maritime domain of the western Baltic.

    Scenarios featuring mission types from Red Storm (close air support, interdiction, air defense suppression, and deep strike) will be joined by new types focused on raids against enemy ships, amphibious operation support, airborne drops, and aerial mining. Solo scenarios, using the Bot system introduced in Red Storm, will also be included.

    New aircraft types will include the F-14A Tomcat, AV-8B Harrier II, F/A-18A Hornet, A-6E Intruder, EA-6B Prowler, Atlantic 2, P-3C Orion, F-35XD Draken, JA-37/AJ-37 Viggen, Tu-22M Backfire, Su-20 Fitter, Tu-95 Bear, IL-38 May, and more. Naval units range from cruisers and destroyers down through amphibious ships, missile patrol craft, and other types from the various countries whose navies would be engaged in the area.

    Players will need a copy of Red Storm: The Air War Over Central Germany, 1987 to play Red Storm: Baltic Approaches.

    2 x Maps (34" x 22")
    1 x Rules/Scenario/Appendices booklet
    1 x Counter Sheet
    1 x Player Aid Card (11 x 17)
    2 x Aircraft Data Cards (11 x 17)
    2 x Naval Data Cards (8.5 x 11)
    1 x Pad Naval Unit Log Sheets

    Availability_Available period_Post World War Two to Modern publisher_GMT Default Title 42.99 GMT2115 1300 2022-07-02T13:16:29+01:00 2022-07-02T13:16:29+01:00 2 Minutes to Midnight War Games Draco Ideas

    Vendor: Draco Ideas
    Type: War Games
    Price: 69.99

    For 1-2 players, ages 14+, playing time is around 60-420 minutes.

    2 Minutes to Midnight is a fresh design exploring the cold war in 5-year turns starting in 1946 and running for 9 turns to 1990.

    Living clarifications / errata here:

    The scale and depth of the game is unmatched by any other game on the market for this historical period – this is a detailed simulation of the cold war covering military, economics, politics, and trade, all in a playable package that hides the complexity and lets you focus on the strategy.
    A scenario runs 1-3 hours up to 6-7 hours for the full campaign game.

    The game is highly asymmetrical - the US has presidential elections & national debt to worry about, while the Soviets must try to achieve their 5-year plan and navigate freedom (or lack thereof) within the Soviet Union itself, with the risk of the whole Communist system coming crashing down if you reform too quickly.

    The primary resource is money, which can be used to:
    • Influence a country, marking it as pro-US or pro-USSR or changing its government type (Communist, Democratic or Authoritarian).
    • Invest and create trade opportunities, improving the economy.
    • Recruit spies
    • Research technology
    • Strengthen strategic forces (ICBM, SLBM, Stealth bombers)
    • Deploy armies into civil wars or proxy wars or send arms & advisors..
    • Calm down an angry populace (and the Russians can apply the KGB for this purpose as well)

    The deck also contains around a dozen events per turn which, when pulled, may trigger - or may not - some of those that do not trigger go back into the deck for next turn and some are gone forever. This means that you aren't quite sure what's going to happen in each game – you can’t load a particular country because you know something is going to happen, because there are very few fixed events. The point of the events is to add friction - you’re never in complete control and will have to react to changing events.

    Technology is represented by a technology tree including nuclear weapons, the space race, armed forces, computing and industry and for the Soviets agricultural progress.

    Military is covered in three areas - nuclear, which prevents aggression against your nation; Conventional - which gives options to be more aggressive; Navy - boosting intelligence gathering and ability to invade from the sea, as well as hunting enemy strategic missile submarines.

    Spies are deployed by players to try and instigate coups or stamp them out, and for the Soviets to infiltrate and steal western technology. CIA will be busy security those secrets and keeping advanced trade items away from the Soviets.

    Lastly, there is an intelligence track - a high intel capability from U2 spy planes, satellites or submarines gives more ability to influence the events as they come out and react quicker than your opponent.

    Availability_Sold_out period_Post World War Two to Modern publisher_Draco Default Title 69.99 PID01001 2801 2022-01-13T10:00:01+00:00 2022-01-13T10:00:01+00:00 Across Suez: The Battle of the Chinese Farm October 15, 1973 War Games Decision Games

    Vendor: Decision Games
    Type: War Games
    Price: 27.99

    Across Suez is an operational level simulation of the Battle of Chinese Farm, 15 October 1973. The Israeli high command planned to cross the Suez Canal in order to isolate the Egyptian Third Army, but two Egyptian divisions threatened to block the Israeli counteroffensive. Across Suez is a relatively simple, yet challenging recreation of the wildest and most important battle of the October War. Such elements as surprise and shock of first combat, combined arms combat, Canal crossing, as well as artillery bombardment and support have been captured in a game system that is easily grasped and yet allows subtle strategic decisions on both sides. Across Suez contains an 11" x 17" map of the area around Chinese Farm in the Sinai, 100 cardboard playing pieces, rules booklet, and various playing aids. ]]>
    Availability_Available period_Post World War Two to Modern players_Two publisher_Decision Games Default Title 27.99 DCG3006 240 2021-08-06T16:01:54+01:00 2021-08-06T16:01:54+01:00 NATO The Cold War goes Hot Designers Edition War Games Compass Games

    Vendor: Compass Games
    Type: War Games
    Price: 83.99

    NATO, The Cold War Goes Hot, Designer Signature Edition marks the return of a true wargaming classic by Bruce Maxwell. NATO simulates a potential NATO/Warsaw Pact conflict in Central Europe during the Cold War years of the 1980's. First published in 1983, this game was Victory Games best-selling title, purchased by over 75,000 gamers worldwide. This new edition is based on an exhaustive two-year study by the Designer of the records that have come to light since the fall of the Berlin Wall. The game combines highly accurate information on the forces the Warsaw Pact actually had with now de-classified reports from the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency regarding what satellite surveillance and HUMINT revealed about their actual plans. The map has also been extensively updated with new satellite geography. Finally, the game system has been reworked to better reflect the fluid, fast paced and deadly nature of modern warfare, while retaining the original intention of simple and intuitive play. Here is the ultimate Cold War game, remastered, and playable in a single sitting.

    NATO is a division/brigade level simulation of a Warsaw Pact invasion of Western Europe. The game map depicts the area from Denmark to the Swiss Alps, and from France to Poland. The time frame covers the first 14 days of war, after which one side or the other has usually run out of an army. The game offers four different Scenarios, covering 1) a surprise attack from a standing start, 2) an attempt by the WP to quietly prepare without tipping NATO off beforehand, 3) an extended buildup of forces by both sides before war breaks out, and 4) an introductory scenario covering the invasion of Denmark.

    Each Scenario can be played with an Order of Battle from 1983, when NATO was still relatively weak, or with an Order of Battle from 1988, when NATO had rearmed and reorganized and was at the peak of its strength. The difference is impressive.

    For 1-4 players, ages 14+, playing time around 180-480 minutes.

    The game features infantry, armor, airborne and airmobile troops, marines, with easy mechanics to leverage combined arms operations. It also has extensive options for employing air power, chemical weapons and, for the truly desperate player, a last resort to nuclear weapons. The combat system is built around the concept that the best defense is a good offense, and features artillery, tactical and operational air strikes, reserves, counterattacks and deep exploitation, allowing for a rich set of tactical nuances in play. This is not a game where the WP attacks and NATO defends. Both players have to attack relentlessly if they want to defeat their opponent.

    This Designer Signature edition of the classic Bruce Maxwell game has been upgraded with new units, new scenarios, new terrain, new tables and new player aid cards. Additional enhancements introduced in this edition include:

    • Super-sized components feature 9/16” counters and two game maps with larger hexes
    • Game map information has been updated and includes all-new map artwork
    • New units have been added, unit information has been updated and all units produced with new artwork
    • Existing scenarios have been updated and two new scenarios added
    • Orders of Battle are provided for all Scenarios both 1983 and 1988, allowing players to see the impact of the Reagan Era rearmament programs
    • The game system has been redesigned and the new rules include extensive illustrations, examples of play and Designer’s Notes to aid clarity
    • Each rules section now begins with a summary, allowing experienced players to skip many rules sections that embody classic game mechanics they already know
    • Rules details and restriction have been summarized graphically in Player Aids for faster reference and easier play
    • Enhanced ergonomics are provided for Scenario set up and Reinforcement charts
    • A new set of Designer’s Notes contain a wealth of historical information on what the West discovered after the Warsaw Pact collapsed and most of its members joined NATO.

    Product Information:
    • Complexity: 7 out of 10
    • Solitaire Suitability: 7 out of 10 (no hidden units)
    • Time Scale: 24 hours per turn
    • Map Scale: 15 miles per hex
    • Unit Scale: regiments, brigades, and divisions, abstract air and naval forces
    • Players: one to four, best with two
    • Playing Time: 3-8 hours depending upon scenario

    • One Rules Booklet
    • One Play Booklet with Scenarios & Designer’s Notes
    • Two 22" x 34" Maps
    • Four Counter Sheets (9/16" size playing pieces)
    • One WP Player Charts & Tables Card
    • One NATO Player Charts & Tables Card
    • One WP Sequence of Play Card
    • One NATO Sequence of Play Card
    • One Warsaw Pact Strategic Surprise Reinforcement Schedule Card
    • One Warsaw Pact Extended Buildup Reinforcement Schedule Card
    • One NATO Strategic Surprise Reinforcement Schedule Card
    • One NATO Extended Buildup Reinforcement Schedule Card
    • Two 6-Sided Dice
    • One Game Box and Lid

    Availability_Available period_Post World War Two to Modern publisher_Compass Games Default Title 83.99 CPS1093 950 2021-02-12T15:23:20+00:00 2021-02-12T15:23:20+00:00 Fire in the Lake: Tru’ng Bot Update Pack War Games GMT

    Vendor: GMT
    Type: War Games
    Price: 24.99

    Tru’ng is the name of a new bot system for Fire in the Lake. It follows in the footsteps of the innovative card-based bot system that was first developed for Gandhi, giving fans of Fire in the Lake more opportunities to get this great game to the table.

    Tru’ng is quick to use and easy to implement, but is sophisticated enough to play the full Fire in the Lake game. When selecting Operations and Special Activities, cards are drawn from the Tru’ng deck—there are six cards for each Fire in the Lake faction. Each card examines the current state of the game and selects the appropriate action for the active faction. A single, faction-specific table then determines where that action will occur. The same table is used to select spaces for Operations, Special Activities, and Events, minimizing the need to flip between multiple player aids.

    Playing against Tru’ng feels like playing against a human opponent. It is unpredictable yet responsive to strategic needs, it goes after its enemies while keeping an eye on its ally, and makes moves up to now limited to human players—like choosing a Limited Operation to block an opponent’s Event. Tru’ng can take the place of a human player for any Fire in the Lake faction, can be used with every Fire in the Lake scenario, and can be used in any combination of player and non-player setups.

    In 40 CE, the Tru’ng sisters successfully fought to liberate their homeland from foreign occupation. They defeated the Chinese army that had been sent to pacify the region and for three years ruled as queens. In the past two millennia, the legend of the Tru’ng sisters has grown; they are now celebrated as exemplars of sacrifice and patriotism in defense of their homeland. It was the birth of Vietnamese national identity.

    “A woman proudly led a young nation; Even the Han emperor heard of it, and was terrified.”
    — 19th century Vietnamese poem

    Note: The Tru'ng bot works for Fire in the Lake only, not for the Fall of Saigon expansion. The bot in Fall of Saigon has to deal with the additions in that expansion, so it only works for Fall of Saigon.

    Availability_Available period_Post World War Two to Modern publisher_GMT series_COIN Default Title 24.99 GMT2016 200 2020-08-27T14:31:17+01:00 2020-08-27T14:31:17+01:00 1989: Dawn of Freedom (2nd Printing) War Games GMT

    Vendor: GMT
    Type: War Games
    Price: 59.99

    "History punishes those who come too late." - Mikhail Gorbachev

    1989: Dawn of Freedom is an exciting, fast paced game simulating the end of the Cold War in 1989. During this amazing year, a series of democratic revolutions ended the 40 year Soviet empire in Eastern Europe. 1989 simulates the political, social and economic aspects of these revolutions using a card-driven system similar to Twilight Struggle.

    "No man is so old he cannot live one more year." - Leszek Kolakowski

    One player plays the Communist. At the start of the game he holds unquestioned power across the six nations of the Warsaw Pact. But there are ominous clouds on the horizon. The new leader in Moscow has declared no more will Soviet tanks prop up tottering Communist governments. The economies, after decades of central planning and stagnation, have reached various stages of crisis. Inside the churches and among the students and their professors there are dissident movements that have been emboldened. From crushing dissent to offering concessions, the Communist player will have to use a variety of strategies in a struggle to hold on to his empire.

    "A bad regime is never in so great danger as when it tries to improve." - Alexis de Tocqueville

    The other player plays the Democrat. At the dawn of 1989, behind the iron curtain, no one considers revolution possible. The goal of dissidents is to create a civil society outside the control of the Communist regimes. On their side are students who are fascinated with the style and pop culture of the west, and the Church. Against them is the vast apparatus of the Communist state. Their challenge is to persuade the workers, who are the bulk of society, to join their cause.

    "Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan

    Availability_Sold_out period_Post World War Two to Modern players_Two publisher_GMT Default Title 59.99 GMT1202 1800 2020-07-26T07:45:37+01:00 2020-07-26T07:45:37+01:00 Brief Border Wars War Games Compass Games

    Vendor: Compass Games
    Type: War Games
    Price: 68.99

    Brief Border Wars is a quadrigame or set of four mini-games on short border conflicts of the 20th and 21st century, using a card-driven system that models the chaotic, stop-and-start nature of these impromptu wars.

    The four conflicts included:

    • El Salvador vs. Honduras, 1969
    • The Turkish invasion of Cyprus, 1974
    • China vs. Vietnam, 1979
    • Israel vs. Hezbollah, southern Lebanon, 2006


    Availability_Sold_out period_Post World War Two to Modern publisher_Compass Games Default Title 68.99 CPS1102 2000 2020-03-19T11:28:25+00:00 2020-03-19T11:28:25+00:00 Europe Divided War Games Phalanx Games

    Vendor: Phalanx Games
    Type: War Games
    Price: 40.50

    For 2 players, ages 12+, playing time around 60-75 minutes.

    Europe Divided - a game of an expansionist Europe, a resurgent Russia, and a new Cold War

    The end of the Cold War ushered in a new age of European expansion. Central and Eastern Europe had emerged from dictatorships and wanted to consolidate their democracies. They sought European integration to ensure they would not fall back into the Russian sphere of influence. Russia — a shell of its former power as the Soviet Union — could do nothing to slow the European expansion.

    But then things changed.

    Oil prices increased, bolstering Russia's economy. Putin came to power, and despite political discontent in Russia, his popularity remained strong. In 2008, war broke out between Russia and the NATO-aspirant, former Soviet country of Georgia. Russia's resurgence had begun, exemplified by the 2014 annexation of Crimea and invasion of eastern Ukraine.

    In the game, you control of one of the two powers: Europe (controlling both NATO and the European Union) or Russia. Europe is powerful and rich, but bureaucratic and slow to react. Russia lacks Europe's resources, but can respond rapidly.

    Players score victory points by having dominant influence in contested countries in Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and the Caucasus. They can also score victory points by bringing key historical events to fruition. Gameplay is rich with history and includes today's potential flashpoints, but it features a fast-playing card-driven core mechanism. Players use cards associated with countries they control to establish political and military influence, gain financial resources, and deploy their military presence. An elegant deck-manipulation mechanism weakens players' decks as they increase their influence, creating tension between seeking to expand and overreaching.

    Will the Velvet Revolution result in the split of the Czech Republic and Slovakia? How will the Bosnian War end? The players will decide the fate of history throughout this period of Europe Divided.

    Availability_Sold_out period_Post World War Two to Modern publisher_Phalanx PolandGE-35 Default Title 40.50 PPHAEURO01 1400 2019-12-11T16:25:13+00:00 2019-12-11T16:25:13+00:00 Next War: Korea, 2nd Edition War Games GMT

    Vendor: GMT
    Type: War Games
    Price: 74.99

    Sixty years of tense, uneasy peace are shattered as the Korean Peninsula erupts in renewed warfare. One historically, ethnically, and culturally homogeneous people polarized and separated by superpower politics and economics hurl men, weapons, and material into the maelstrom of modern combat in an attempt to settle their arbitrary division once and for all.

    From Pyongyang in North Korea to Busan in the South, the war rages. In a scene reminiscent of the first attack by the In Min Gun in 1950, the North Korean People’s Army surges across the Demilitarized Zone and penetrates deep into South Korea.

    Special Operations Forces from both sides conduct raids, interdiction, and reconnaissance missions behind enemy lines while airborne, air assault, and amphibious forces strike far behind those lines attempting to outflank the main army forces of both sides. In the air, both sides wage a heated campaign in an effort to establish superiority over the skies of Korea. With rough terrain and the full ferocity of modern armor, airmobile, airborne, and marine warfighting capabilities, there is no safe haven in the lethal cauldron of battle which has engulfed the Korean Peninsula.

    While North and South battle for a quick, decisive victory, the world awaits the response of the two military superpowers in the region: the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China. Will the United States, stung by high casualties among the soldiers of its 2nd Infantry Division near the DMZ during the surprise artillery barrages and initial assaults on the first day of the war, be able to reinforce the South quickly enough, and, if so, how and in what strength? Will the Communist Chinese again react (or pre-emptively intervene) to a massive US response and join the fray, thus widening the conflict? As the situation evolves, choices are made, forces are committed, and the security of Japan and the future of the two Koreas hangs in the balance.

    Next War: Korea, the first of a planned series of Next War games, allows players to fight a near future war on the Korean peninsula. In this updated and improved version of the previously-released Crisis: Korea 1995, players have access to virtually all military assets of North and South Korea, as well as large forces from the USA and the PRC. The integrated, easy to learn air-land combat system allows for unit efficiency, armor effects, light infantry, attack helicopters, Close Air Support, Cruise Missiles, and the particularly tough terrain of Korea.

    Make no mistake: Next War: Korea is not an Introductory wargame. Rather, we have intended herein to create a system (and a series) that will allow detailed study of modern warfare in various venues as well as engaging gameplay. That said, the Standard Game rules encompass a fairly straightforward ruleset that will, we think, be considered pretty "easy to learn" by experienced wargamers. So players who choose to play Standard Game scenarios can have a relatively quick game when that's what suits them. The real flavor of a war in the theatre, though, comes through in the Advanced Game, where you get much more control over airpower and can more clearly see each side's strengths and weaknesses. For players who want a "mini-monster game" experience, playing the Advanced Game Campaign Scenarios with some or all of the optional rules will definitely "deliver."

    So our hope is that we have created a game with enough variety and scaling of complexity that you can find an engaging and maybe even enlightening experience whether you want to play a fast two-player game, a longer monster game, or an ongoing solitaire study. We intend to provide tools for online game play as well (a Vassal module is being created now for use during playtesting) so that this game can be played in either real-time or over longer periods on the internet.



    Ground units in Next War: Korea represent primarily divisions and brigades of armies of North and South Korea, The United States and her Allies, and the People's Republic of China. All ground units are rated for their attack and defense strengths, movement capabilities, and unit efficiency.

    Air units represent fighter, bomber, and attack squadrons of the major combatants and are rated for All-Weather Capabilities as well as their range, average pilot skill, and their abilities in Air-to-Air Combat, Close Air Support, and Strike missions.

    Naval units and capabilities are abstracted somewhat in the Next War series. A "Sea Control" mechanism reflects the results of the surface and sub-surface battles, while the game's naval unit counters represent the major Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups and Amphibious Ready Groups of the US Navy. Additional amphibious capabilities are represented by the Special Forces capabilities of each side.


    Maps and Terrain


    The game's two maps present a portion of modern-day Korea at a scale of roughly 7.5 miles per hex. The maps cover the entire peninsula east-to-west and stretch from about 30 miles north of Pyongyang in the North to Taegu in the south. Hexes are larger than the standard 1/2" hex found in Crisis Korea: 1995, allowing us to use larger 9/16" counters in this game and make it a bit easier for players to move game pieces in the congested areas around the DMZ.


    Game System


    As in Crisis: Korea 1995, there are two types of game turns: Initiative turns (longer turns where the side with the Initiative has more opportunities to move and attack) and Contested turns (shorter turns where neither side has the initiative but each is trying to muster the resources to regain the initiative). Thus the inherent "initiative player advantage" built into the game system incents each player to always be thinking about how to seize and maintain the battlefield initiative.

    A Standard game turn is composed of:

    • Weather Determination. Bad weather can severaly hamper air and naval operations activity and can significantly slow ground operations.
    • Initiative Determination


    an Air/Naval Phase, wherein air superiority levels and air availability are determined and Sea Control is established or modified.

    • One or more Movement and Combat Phases that allow both sides to move, react, and fight, with an advantage to the Initiative player on non-Contested turns
    • Arrival of Reinforcements and Replacements
    • Victory Determination


    Combat resolution examines not only unit strengths but also unit efficiency (representing training, doctrine, and morale), as well as the terrain where the combat takes place. The CRT tends to be very bloody, reflecting both what we believe will be a degree of attritional warfare early on in light of the massive artillery concentrations near the DMZ as well as the lethality of modern weapons. As in many games, casualties represent not only actual combat losses, but also losses of unit cohesion brought about by the rapidity and pace with which modern armies are able to engage and exploit on the battlefield.




    There are several Standard Game scenarios. The first three one mappers, "Seoul Train," "Uijong Blues," and "East Coast Highway" (North Map only) cover the first week of the war by dividing the DMZ into roughly three equal sections. These focus on the initial assaults to break the South Korean lines and introduce players to the basic mechanics of the system, while giving them insight into attack and defense strategies for the "big game." Players can also play the entire DMZ front scenario, "Militarized Zone," (North Map only) for the first week (basically, combining the three scenarios above). In addition, players can add the South Map and play the entire Standard Campaign game, "All In." Two other scenarios are provided which examine the U.S. Amphibious landing. "Inchon Again" and the battle for Taejon, "Spearhead." In addition, a scenario, "They Did What?" is provided for players to experiement with a South Korean attack on North Korea without, however, the help of the United States.

    The Advanced Game Scenarios come in three flavors à la NATO: The Next War in Europe: Strategic Surprise, Tactical Surprise, and Extended Buildup. This offers the players the ability to game out a variety of "At Start" war scenarios based on varying levels of readiness.

    There is also an International Posture Matrix à la Flashpoint: Golan to allow players to experiment with a variety of intervention options for the non-Korean players in the region.

    In Next War: Korea, the Korean Peninsula is on fire with two of the world's most well-prepared, antagonistic forces arrayed against each other. Can you, as the North Korean People’s Army commander, conquer the South in 3 weeks before the full might of the U.S. can be brought to bear? Can you, as the Republic of Korea’s Army commander, hold out against the renewed Communist assault until help arrives? And what will China do? There’s only one way to find out...




    • 2 22x34" maps
    • 4 9/16" counter sheets + 1 Errata and Expansion Bonus 1/2 sheet (1026 counters)
    • 2 rulebooks (Standard + Advanced Rules and Game Specific Rules)
    • 5 8.5x11" Player Aids
    • 2 11x17" Player Aids
    • 1 10-sided die

    The 2012 version and the 2016 ziplock version contain the same game components; except the 2012 version is packaged in a box, while the 2016 version is in a ziplock bag.

    Game Design and Development: Mitchell Land
    Original System Design: Gene Billingsley

    TIME SCALE 3.5 days per turn
    MAP SCALE 7.5 miles per hex
    UNIT SCALE Division / Brigade / Battalion
    NUMBER OF PLAYERS One or two (can be played in teams)

    Availability_Sold_out period_Post World War Two to Modern publisher_GMT series_Next War Default Title 74.99 GMT120619 1500 2019-11-01T14:45:42+00:00 2019-11-01T14:45:42+00:00 Front Toward Enemy War Games Multi-Man Publishing

    Vendor: Multi-Man Publishing
    Type: War Games
    Price: 74.00

    Three years after the collapse of South Vietnam, General William Westmoreland announced that “militarily we were successful . . . we didn’t lose a single battle above company level.” It was in these intense company- and platoon-level firefights, which characterized most combat in the Vietnam War, that military engagements could be won and lost. At close quarters in the jungle, at night, and in hamlets surrounded by rice paddies, American soldiers faced their North Vietnamese and Vietcong enemies on even terms. FRONT TOWARD ENEMY allows players to explore intense company- and platoon-level battles from the perspective of a company commander, using a fast-playing system that provides the feel and unpredictability of small unit combat.

    Front Toward Enemy is a simulation that recreates tactical engagements during the Vietnam War at the scale of 50 meters per hex and five minutes per turn. Units represent fire teams, heavy weapon sections, leaders, vehicles, and helicopters. Eight scenarios with set-up options recreate twelve missions that typified company-level engagements during the Vietnam War, including airmobile insertions, assaults on fortified positions, and classic search-and-destroy operations, among others.

    Rules cover all of the elements associated with combat in Vietnam: helicopter gunships, armored vehicles, artillery support, snipers, sappers, civilians, booby-traps, medics, evacuation of the wounded, prisoner interrogation, tunnels, hidden caches, and more. Winning doesn't always mean holding the objective if the cost in casualties is too great. Sudden combat in difficult terrain causes command and control to quickly break down. A chit-pull system means command and control is erratic, and volume of fire is rewarded, but results are fickle. The unforeseen occurs, ranging from non-combat injuries to interference from higher headquarters to so-called “friendly fire”. Immediate action drills, staying close, and the ability to move and act as a coordinated unit ensure survivability in this environment.

    Front Toward Enemy puts you in the middle of the toughest fighting of the longest war of the 20th Century.

    Front Toward Enemy scales:

    • each turn is approximately 5 minutes
    • each hex is approximately 50 meters across
    • counters represent Infantry Units of one to four men (Fire Teams, Weapons Teams, Leaders, and Individuals) Helicopters, and Vehicles
    • Additional markers represent Civilians, Caches (rice, medical, and ammo), Bunkers, Foxholes, and Tunnel entrances

    Availability_Sold_out period_Post World War Two to Modern publisher_Multi-Man Publishing Default Title 74.00 MMPFTE 770 2019-06-21T16:25:47+01:00 2019-06-21T16:25:47+01:00 Fields of Fire Volume 2: With the Old Breed: The 5th Marines in WWII, Korea and Viet Nam War Games GMT

    Vendor: GMT
    Type: War Games
    Price: 79.99

    In Fields of Fire Vol. II: "With the Old Breed," you pin on your captain's bars and take command of a rifle company in the 5th Marines, the most decorated regiment in the US Marine Corps. Test your mettle in three campaigns spanning World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Battle ashore in the blazing heat of Peleliu in September 1944 to discover the Japanese have changed their strategy and you are forced to dig them out of the coral ridges. Flares reveal waves of Chinese pouring over the rugged mountains of the Chosin Reservoir, Korea, in sub zero weather in November 1950. Fight house to house in Hue City, Vietnam in February 1968. These three campaigns live on in the legends and history of the United States Marine Corps.

    Fields of Fire is a solitaire game system that gives players the challenge of commanding a rifle company between World War II and Present Day. The game is different from many tactical games in that it is diceless and card based. There are two decks used to play. The Terrain Deck is based on a specific region and is used to build a map for the various missions your company must perform. The Action deck serves many purposes in controlling combat, command and control, various activity attempts. The units of the company are counters representing headquarters elements, squads, weapons teams, forward observers, individual vehicles or helicopters. A single playing is a mission and several missions from an historical campaign are strung together for the player to manage experience and replacements. A mission can be played in about 1 – 2 hours.

    This volume of Fields of Fire is based on three actual campaigns experienced by units of the 5th Marines of the 1st Marine Division "Blue Diamond" in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam and is the second volume of the Fields of Fire series.

    Availability_Sold_out period_Post World War Two to Modern period_World War Two players_Solitaire publisher_GMT Default Title 79.99 GMT1810 1830 2019-04-18T17:26:33+01:00 2019-04-18T17:26:33+01:00 Stalin's World War 3 War Games Compass Games

    Vendor: Compass Games
    Type: War Games
    Price: 84.50

    Stalin's World War III is a two game package: Volume 1 – Operation Pincher & The Soviet Offensive in Europe; Volume 2 – Operation Sandown & The Soviet Offensive in the Mid-East. This is an alternative history monster-size wargame, designed by Ty Bomba, intended to investigate the strategic parameters that would’ve been in place during the first 10 weeks of operations had that dictator lived long enough to put in motion one of his many plans to start a global conflict in 1953.

    Availability_Sold_out period_Alternate History period_Post World War Two to Modern players_Four players_Three players_Two publisher_Compass Games weightXestimated Default Title 84.50 COM1064 2001 2019-01-04T16:11:23+00:00 2019-01-04T16:11:23+00:00 Fire in the Lake Update Kit War Games GMT

    Vendor: GMT
    Type: War Games
    Price: 41.99

    This update kit includes the components necessary to upgrade the 1st edition version of Fire in the Lake to 2nd Printing (2018 Edition). It includes the following:

    • Full deck of playing cards (10 cards with changes from the original cards and 80 cards with icon additions)
    • 1 x updated Rules booklet
    • 1 x booklet containing the updated PB Tutorial and 1-player example section
    • 4 x updated Player Aid Card 1 Factions (foldout)
    • 2 x updated Player Aid Card 2 Flowcharts (foldout). 
    • 2 x updated Player Aid Card 4 Sequence (single sheet)
    Availability_Sold_out period_Post World War Two to Modern publisher_GMT series_COIN Default Title 41.99 GMT1409-18UD 1201 2019-01-04T16:11:23+00:00 2019-01-04T16:11:23+00:00 Andean Abyss Second Printing War Games GMT

    Vendor: GMT
    Type: War Games
    Price: 62.99

    Colombia: Nation at the Edge of Abyss

    Colombia in the 1990s hosted one of the world’s last Marxist guerrilla armies, brutal drug lords, and right-wing death squads and appeared close to failing as a state. A decade later, its Marxists had lost their top leaders and rural sanctuary, its big drug bosses were dead or in prison, and its paramilitaries were negotiating demobilization. The Government had extended its writ to most of the countryside, restored its popularity, and improved the economy and respect for human rights.

    Andean Abyss takes 1 to 4 players into this multifaceted campaign for control of Colombia: guerrillas and police, kidnapping and drug war, military sweeps and terror. Each of four factions deploys distinct capabilities and tactics to influence Colombian affairs and achieve differing goals. Players place and maneuver 160 wooden pieces across a colorful map and exploit event cards that cannot be fully predicted. Accessible mechanics and components put the emphasis on game play, but Andean Abyss also provides an engrossing model of insurgency and counterinsurgency in Colombia—smoothly accounting for population control, lines of communication, terrain, intelligence, foreign aid, sanctuaries, and a host of other political, military, and economic factors.

    A New Kind of Card-Assisted Wargame

    From the award-winning designer of Wilderness War and Labyrinth, Andean Abyss features unique mechanics relating events and operations that guarantee difficult player decisions with each card flip. Most of the game’s 72 events are dual-use, representing alternative historical paths: players can choose either version of the event or from an array of operations and special faction activities. Every choice has implications for how the next card will be played. There is no hand management: the focus is on the map and on planning for the foreseeable—and the unforeseeable. Die rolls are only a small part of game: the key to victory is not luck but the ability to organize the most effective campaign.

    Multiplayer, 2-Player, Solitaire

    Andean Abyss provides up to 4 players with contrasting roles and overlapping victory conditions for rich diplomatic interaction. For 2- or 3-player games, players can represent alliances of factions, or the game system can control non-player factions . Or a single player as the Colombian Government can take on the leftist FARC, the right-wing AUC, and the narco-trafficking cartels. The non-player insurgents will fight one another as well as the players, but too much power in the hands of any one of them will mean player defeat.

    GMT COIN Series, Volume I

    Andean Abyss presents a game system on modern insurgency readily adaptable to other conflicts, particularly those featuring the interaction of many sides (thus our new COunterINsurgency series). A rich and under-represented history of guerrilla warfare beckons. GMT COIN Series Volume II is Cuba Libre—Castro's Insurgency 1957-1958, Volume III is A Distant Plain—Insurgency in Afghanistan, and Volume IV is Fire in the Lake—Insurgency in Vietnam.

    TIME SCALE: multiple years per Propaganda round
    MAP SCALE: Area Movement
    UNIT SCALE: Varies
    NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 1-4 (full solitaire system)

    DESIGNER: Volko Ruhnke
    DEVELOPER: Joel Toppen
    MAP and CARD ART: Chechu Nieto
    COUNTER ART: Chechu Nieto & Xavier Carrascosa

    Availability_Sold_out period_Post World War Two to Modern players_Four players_Solitaire players_Three players_Two publisher_GMT series_COIN weightXestimated Default Title 62.99 GMT1212 2001 2019-01-04T15:48:26+00:00 2019-01-04T15:48:26+00:00 Fire in the Lake: Insurgency in Vietnam (3rd printing) War Games GMT

    Vendor: GMT
    Type: War Games
    Price: 84.99

    Historical Wargame for 1-4 Players, Playing Time Approx. 180 Minutes

    Volume IV in GMT's COIN Series dives headlong into the momentous and complex battle for South Vietnam. A unique multi-faction treatment of the Vietnam War, Fire in the Lake will take 1 to 4 players on US heliborne sweeps of the jungle and Communist infiltration of the South, and into inter-allied conferences, Saigon politics, interdiction of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, air defense of Northern infrastructure, graduated escalation, and media war.

    Renowned designer and modern warfare expert Mark Herman joins COIN Series creator Volko Ruhnke for a collaborative production not to be missed. Fire in the Lake features the same card-assisted counterinsurgency game system as GMT's Andean Abyss, Cuba Libre, and A Distant Plain, with a pack of twists that take the Series to another level, including:

    • Pivotal events that trump initiative (Tet Offensive, Vietnamization, Easter Offensive, and Linebacker II)
    • Inter-coup campaign effects that vary by RVN leader
    • Counterinsurgent guerrillas (US-led Irregulars and ARVN Rangers)
    • Insurgent troops (NVA) for direct force-on-force engagements
    • Tunneled VC and NVA bases
    • Trail construction and degradation
    • A larger-than-ever event deck for even greater play variety
    • Short and medium-length scenarios with either random or period-event options.
    Availability_Available period_Post World War Two to Modern players_Four players_Solitaire players_Three players_Two publisher_GMT series_COIN Default Title 84.99 GMT1409 2250