Flexsoft solutions 2024-08-14T14:52:22+01:00 Flexsoft solutions 2024-08-14T14:52:22+01:00 2024-08-14T14:52:22+01:00 I, Napoleon War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 64.99

I, Napoleon is a solitaire historical role-playing card game in which you step into the boots of Captain Buonaparte (as he still was) in the year 1793. Louis XVI has just gone to the guillotine, the brothers Robespierre control the destiny of France, and all Europe has joined French Royalists to take down France, end the Revolution, and restore peace and safety for the hereditary principles that have underlain society for 1000 years.

As an ambitious but unknown young artillery officer, who speaks French with a Corsican accent, you would seem to be an unlikely agent of destiny. Can you harness a brilliant mind, titanic energies, and a sometimes terrifying charisma to leave your mark on history? Or will you die a minor footnote in the story of France?

Availability_Sold_out period_Napoleonic players_Solitaire publisher_GMT Default Title 64.99 GMT24P02 1895 2023-12-23T15:38:52+00:00 2023-12-23T15:38:52+00:00 Triomphe à Marengo War Games Histogame

Vendor: Histogame
Type: War Games
Price: 60.99

Availability_Sold_out period_Napoleonic publisher_Histogame Default Title 60.99 950 2023-07-27T12:07:32+01:00 2023-07-27T12:07:32+01:00 Under the Southern Cross: The South American Republics in the Age of the Fighting Sail War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 59.99

Under the Southern Cross: The South American Republics in the Age of Fighting Sail is the fourth volume of the highly regarded Flying Colors series of games on naval combat. The focus is on the southern part of the South American continent: Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador, from the Wars of Independence starting in 1810 through the last naval war fought completely under sail between Argentina and Uruguay in 1841. These wars attracted naval officers recently unemployed by the end of the Napoleonic Wars as well as providing a proving ground for the first generation of naval heroes native to Latin America. 

Updated rules introduce river and tidal currents, modified grounding rules for operations in the Rio de la Plata and Uruguay rivers, and the use of ship’s boats to tow stranded or becalmed ships. In all, over two dozen battle scenarios ranging in size from a handful of ships per side, to full-blown fleet actions are presented. Also included is the return of the popular ship duel map and activation cards originally found in Serpents of the Seas (Flying Colors volume II), along with 18 ship duel scenarios. 

Like the preceding volumes in the series, Under the Southern Cross is completely independent of, while being fully compatible with, the other volumes in the series. Everything needed to play is included! 

Can you, as the Spanish, strangle the rebel American governments and preserve the centuries old Spanish Empire, or will you help the Patriot forces throw off the Imperialist yoke of the European monarchies? Now you can try with Under the Southern Cross!

  • 2 22x34" Maps
  • 2 Counter Sheets
  • Rulebook
  • Playbook
  • Player Aid Chart
  • Deck of 55 Action Cards
Availability_Sold_out period_Napoleonic publisher_GMT Default Title 59.99 GMT23P09 1200 2023-07-07T17:21:52+01:00 2023-07-07T17:21:52+01:00 The Silver Bayonet: The Carpathians Miniatures Osprey Games

Vendor: Osprey Games
Type: Miniatures
Price: 14.99

Recruit new soldiers, face new foes, and explore the mysteries of the Carpathian Mountains in two new campaigns, one competitive and one for solo or cooperative play.

High in the Carpathian Mountains stands the crumbling Castle Fier. Once home to a powerful warlord, the castle cast a dark shadow across the nearby villages, until crusaders attacked with sword and flame to put an end to its menace. Though history passed into folklore, the ruins of Castle Fier remained shunned by all as a cursed site. Now, horrors have been seen moving at night. An army gathers. Something has awoken in the ruins. With the political situation in the surrounding region becoming increasingly unstable, France, Prussia, Britain, and the other powers have dispatched their best agents to investigate the ruins, eliminate any threats, and acquire any treasures that could prove useful in the ongoing fight against the harvestmen… and each other.

The Carpathians: Castle Fier is a supplement for The Silver Bayonet: A Wargame of Napoleonic Gothic Horror, in which the special units must fight their way through the ruins of a menacing haunted castle. It features two campaigns – one competitive and one for solo or cooperative play – as well as new monsters to fight, soldiers to recruit, and treasure to unearth. ]]>
Availability_Sold_out period_Horror period_Napoleonic publisher_Osprey Games range_Rule Books Default Title 14.99 0 2022-12-02T18:54:49+00:00 2022-12-02T18:54:49+00:00 1815, Scum of the Earth: The Battle of Waterloo Card Game War Games Hall or Nothing

Vendor: Hall or Nothing
Type: War Games
Price: 34.99

The third in the Historic Epic Battle System series of games.

Relive the legendary Battle of Waterloo!

18th June 1815, Napoleon Bonaparte is determined to rise back to power and claim all of Europe as his prize, but is stopped in his tracks by the might of the forces led by an unassuming yet undefeated Arthur Wellesley and his charismatic Prussian ally Blücher.

1815, Scum of the Earth is an asymmetric, competitive, tactical card game, and successor to the award-winning 1066, Tears to Many Mothers (and 1565, St. Elmo's Pay), with which it is fully compatible. Each player, as either the Duke of Wellington or Napoleon, musters troops and resources to overcome the various obstacles in their path before their armies clash in an epic battle over three farms forward of the ridge at Waterloo: Hougoumont, La Haye Sainte, and Papelotte.

Every beautiful card in the game is inspired by a real person or event from the time. With a focus on quick, tactical play and a thematic re-imagining of the events of the time, the game is non-collectable, and there is no deck building required. Each player simply grabs their deck and shuffles, then play begins.

Note on title: Though not an accurate description of their formidable fighting prowess, Wellington himself referred to his men on more than one occasion as Scum of the Earth. “The French system of conscription brings together a fair sample of all classes; ours is composed of the scum of the earth—the mere scum of the earth. It is only wonderful that we should be able to make so much out of them afterwards.” – ‘Notes of conversations with the Duke of Wellington, 1831-1851’ by Philip Henry, 5th Earl Stanhope

Availability_Sold_out period_Napoleonic publisher_H Other Default Title 34.99 HON18151ST21 1200 2022-11-07T12:58:55+00:00 2022-11-07T12:58:55+00:00 Bonaparte in Italy: The Castiglione Campaign, 1796 War Games White Dog

Vendor: White Dog
Type: War Games
Price: 99.99

Availability_Available period_Napoleonic publisher_White Dog Default Title 99.99 WHD-BII 520 2022-04-22T12:17:19+01:00 2022-04-22T12:17:19+01:00 Bonaparte in the Quadrilateral War Games OSG

Vendor: OSG
Type: War Games
Price: 84.99

May 1796 – Having crushed Piedmont in a lightening campaign the young revolutionary General Bonaparte prepared to attack the key Austrian fortress of Mantova, the only one of the four fortress of the quadrilateral still in Austrian control. Little did he know that it would take nine months of desperate fighting before the fortress fell.

Lodi, 10 May; The Force of Destiny –A desperate battle to cross the bridge across the Po and continue the pursuit of the Austrian forces.

Castiglione, 5 August; Wurmser’s Relief of Mantova - A veteran Austria army prepares to sweep away the French gains of the last few months.

Mantova, Queen of the Quadrilateral, 1796-97 – Three Austrian attempts to relive the siege of this key city.

Arcole, 15-17 November; Crossing the Adige — A French attempt to outflank the Austrians runs in to trouble.

Rivoli, 14-15 January; Battle of the Osteria Gorge – The final Austrian relief effort is being stopped by Joubert, when Austrian reinforcements cut off the French. Bonaparte must act to relive the and defeat the Austrians.

The Library of Napoleonic Battles TLNB-series, evolved from the very successful Napoleon´s Last Battles, combining a high level of historical detail and beautiful and accurate maps with excellent playability, is covering, at Brigade level, (almost) every major Napoleonic battle.

Availability_Sold_out period_Napoleonic publisher_OSG Default Title 84.99 OSGBPQL 2501 2022-01-13T08:37:49+00:00 2022-01-13T08:37:49+00:00 Mini Game Series: Balaclava - Breaking the Siege, 25 October 1854 War Games Decision Games

Vendor: Decision Games
Type: War Games
Price: 11.99

The Anglo-French-Turkish Crimean campaign revolved around besieging Sevastopol while fending off a Russian field army hovering nearby. In October the Russians lunged at Balaclava, the British base on the open eastern flank of the siege lines. The surprised Allies had only a thin cordon of troops facing the attack. Dogged stands by infantry and the infamous charge of the British Light Brigade staved off the Russians—just—until reinforcements could arrive. It almost went the other way.

Balaclava uses the Musket & Saber QuickPlay system to portray battle during the Crimean War. Combat is based on unit quality rather than numbers, and rewards use of historical tactics. Infantry is tough and resilient. Artillery can smash attacks or open holes, but is vulnerable and brittle. Cavalry is weak, but crucial for pursuit and the occasional charge. All units are susceptible to rout when weakened, making reserves a must. Leaders enhance unit capabilities. Special rules cover the Allied redoubts, possession of which would mean victory for either side.

Winning the battle depends on careful deployment, thoughtful maneuvers, proper coordination of arms, and judicious use of leaders. ]]>
Availability_Sold_out period_16th to 19th Century period_Napoleonic publisher_Decision Games series_Mini Game Series Default Title 11.99 DCG1734 200 2022-01-13T08:30:10+00:00 2022-01-13T08:30:10+00:00 Mini Game Series: Hougoumont - Key to Waterloo, 18 June 1815 War Games Decision Games

Vendor: Decision Games
Type: War Games
Price: 12.00

Napoleon faced a desperate situation at Waterloo—he had to defeat Wellington’s Anglo-Allied army before the Prussian army arrived in strength. One of the keys to Wellington’s line was the extensive grounds of the Chateau Hougoumont. Over the course of the day both sides would commit ever more troops to contest the position. The Allies held, but like the rest of the battle, the fight was “a near run thing” that in a moment could have turned the other way.

Hougoumont uses a variation of the Musket & Saber QuickPlay system to portray battle during the Napoleonic Wars. Combat is based on unit quality rather than raw numbers, and rewards use of historical tactics. Infantry—tough and resilient—bears the brunt of battle. Artillery can smash attacks or open holes in enemy lines, but is vulnerable and brittle. Cavalry is weak in stand-up combat, but crucial for pursuit and the occasional charge against a broken foe. All units are susceptible to rout when weakened, so players must maintain reserves. Leaders enhance unit capabilities.

Winning this battle depends on careful deployment, thoughtful maneuver toward key points, proper coordination of arms, and above all timely commitment of reserves.
Availability_Sold_out period_Napoleonic publisher_Decision Games series_Mini Game Series Default Title 12.00 DCG1733 200 2021-12-31T16:59:20+00:00 2021-12-31T16:59:20+00:00 Napoleon 1806 War Games Shakos

Vendor: Shakos
Type: War Games
Price: 53.99

On August 9, 1806, Frederick William of Prussia, in reaction to the recent creation of the Confederation of the Rhine by Napoleon, decreed the order of mobilization. War becomes unavoidable.

The Prussian army concentrates on Erfurt without waiting for the troops of its Russian ally. Outrunning his opponents, Napoleon enters Saxony with the Grand Army on October 7, 1806 and heads for Berlin.

A week later the Prussians, defeated at Jena and Auerstedt, retreat North. The pursuit led by the Murat cavalry can begin...

When the game meets history:

"Napoleon 1806" is a wargame at the crossroads of history and simulation, the culmination of two history and wargame enthusiasts, Denis Sauvage and Julien Busson, who wished to share this passion with you.
With Napoleon 1806, in 1 to 2 hours, two players will relive the clashes between Prussian and French at the heart of the imperial conquests of Napoleon the 1st, which culminated in the battles of Auerstaedt and Jena.

Napoleon 1806 is intended for wargaming seasoned grognards as well as for young conscripts who want to try a new playful sensation. Strategy, anticipation and decision are the engines of the Napoleon 1806 game system.

The rules of Napoleon 1806 are divided into three parts and can be learnt in fifteen minutes. The first one, called "Rules of the Conscript", allows to acquire all the notions of the game easily. The second, "Rules of the Grognard", brings more finesse including "fog of war". The last, "Rules of the Marshal", allows to play Napoleon 1806 in competition.

Will you meet the challenge of doing as well as the Emperor Napoleon or will you succeed in thwarting his plans at the head of the Prussian forces?

How to play Napoleon 1806:

A game of Napoleon 1806 is played in 7 turns, each representing two days of campaign. Players alternate operations with their army corps. Fatigue and losses accumulate until the breaking point of one of the two armies causing the defeat of a player.

The game is based on cards to perform moves and combats. Even if luck is present, strategy is key to victory. Moving your army corps on different approach paths to facilitate maneuvers, managing the fatigue of your men generated by marching and fighting, concentrating your forces in order to win the decisive battle; these are the challenges you will face.

The French troops are more numerous and more experienced than those of their opponent, but time is short before the arrival of the Russian reinforcements, and the Prussian army is not to be underestimated! The French player to win will have to master the art of attacking and speed of action. The Prussian player, although defensive, will have to seize the opportunities presented to him to counter-attack and surprise his opponent. As the game is fast, each player will have the opportunity to take charge of the fate of both armies in one evening.

Availability_Sold_out conquerors period_Napoleonic players_Two Default Title 53.99 SHAKO0001 1700 2021-12-10T09:45:15+00:00 2021-12-10T09:45:15+00:00 Captain's Sea War Games Legion Wargames

Vendor: Legion Wargames
Type: War Games
Price: 73.99

Captain's Sea is a low-to-moderate complexity game for two players who take the roles as captains of the original American frigates (Chesapeake, Congress, Constellation, Constitution, President, and United States) or their opponents from the British or French navies during the turn of the 19th Century. All of the classic duels fought by these ships are represented in detail. Unlike other age of sail games that focus on fleet actions, Captain’s Sea puts you on the deck of a single ship with the responsibility of leading her to victory. You must maneuver against the wind and your opponent to achieve optimum firepower, as well as manage your crew as they scramble to man the guns, work the rigging, and repair battle damage, all while being hammered by the burning shot and flying splinters caused by your enemy. Can you keep your crew in good order or will you be the first to strike the colors?

The action of the game is driven by control of the weather gauge. This is done in a unique fashion by moving ships relative to both the wind and each other, stressing the benefit of position. The ship with the better position has greater flexibility in maneuver as each player predetermines his ship’s movement through a simple action selection process that does not require pencil and paper to track. Players must also allocate available crew points (a diminishing commodity as a ship takes damage) to man the guns, rigging, or other actions that the situation might mandate. A deck of action cards provides period flavor and swings of fortune. Throughout a turn, you as captain, are bombarded with difficult decisions that determine the fate of your ship.

Included with the game are ten scenarios, including such classic engagements as the Constellation vs. L’Insurgete (9 February 1799), Constitution vs. Guerrier (19 August 1812), and Chesapeake vs. Shannon (1 June 1813). Even those ships that did not fight a major engagement get the opportunity to play out a historical opportunity missed. Additionally, players will find it easy to create hypothetical pairings to see what might happen.

Availability_Sold_out period_16th to 19th Century period_Napoleonic players_Two publisher_Legion Wargames Default Title 73.99 910 2021-11-18T13:32:34+00:00 2021-11-18T13:32:34+00:00 The Silver Bayonet Miniatures Osprey Games

Vendor: Osprey Games
Type: Miniatures
Price: 24.99

As the wars of Napoleon ravage Europe, chaos and fear reign and the darkness that once clung to the shadows has been emboldened. Supernatural creatures - vampires, werewolves, ghouls, and worse take advantage of the havoc, striking out at isolated farms, villages, and even military units. Whether they are pursuing some master plan or simply revelling in their newfound freedom is unknown. Most people dismiss reports of these slaughters as the rantings of madmen or the lies of deserters, but a few know better…

The Silver Bayonet is a skirmish wargame of gothic horror set during the Napoleonic Wars. Each player forms an elite band of monster hunters drawn from the ranks of one of the great powers. Riflemen, swordsmen, and engineers fight side-by-side with mystics, occultists, and even those few supernatural creatures that can be controlled or reasoned with enough to make common cause. The game can be played solo, co-operatively, or competitively, with players progressing through a series of interlinked adventures with their soldiers gaining experience and suffering grievous wounds, and their units triumphing… or falling in the face of the shadows. It is a game of action and adventure, where musket and sabre meet tooth and claw.


Joseph A. McCullough is the author of several non-fiction books including A Pocket History of Ireland, Zombies: A Hunter's Guide, and Dragonslayers: From Beowulf to St. George. In addition, his fantasy short stories have appeared in various books and magazines such as Black Gate, Lords of Swords, and Adventure Mystery Tales. He is also the creator of Frostgrave and Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago, and co-wrote The Grey Mountains, a supplement for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing Game. His continued ramblings can be read at: Design is a 2D conceptual art, illustration, and visual development studio embedded within the entertainment industries. Based in Nottingham, Poland, Brainbug was founded in 2018 by industry veterans with over 30 years' combined experience and one singular goal: to burrow deep into intellectual properties to provide the best possible external symbiosis with the host-client! Deeply passionate about world-building and storytelling through the medium of design, Brainbug has collaborated on everything from film and television to giant AAA titles and compact independent video games.
Availability_Sold_out period_Horror period_Napoleonic publisher_Osprey Games range_Rule Books Default Title 24.99 9781472844859 670 2021-07-29T15:11:18+01:00 2021-07-29T15:11:18+01:00 Absolute Emperor Miniatures Osprey Games

Vendor: Osprey Games
Type: Miniatures
Price: 12.99

From the late Revolutionary Wars and Egyptian campaign, to the battles of Austerlitz, Borodino, Leipzig, and Waterloo, Absolute Emperor is a mass battle wargame that provides all the rules needed to play during this period of grand armies and sweeping campaigns. Players' armies are composed of multiple corps, with command and control being of the utmost importance, all influenced by the elan of your general. Do you follow in the footsteps of Napoleon and be crowned the Absolute Emperor or stand against tyranny as Wellington and Blücher. ]]>
Availability_Available period_Napoleonic publisher_Osprey Games range_Rule Books Default Title 12.99 230 2021-06-28T12:48:31+01:00 2021-06-28T12:48:31+01:00 Napoleon's Wheel - Danube Campaign Part 1 War Games OSG

Vendor: OSG
Type: War Games
Price: 99.99

Napoleon's Wheel
1805: Danube Campaign I

Scenarios depicted:

  • Ulm — Napoleon's Wheel, 9-15 Oct.
  • Dürenstein — Kutuzov's Trap, 11 Nov.
  • Schöngrabern — Bagration's Rearguard, 16 Nov.
  • Austerlitz — The Battle of Pratzen and Sokolnitz, 1-2 Dec.


Napoleon's Wheel is the next games from OSG's The Library of Napoleonic Battles series. Details on the series are below, as all the games share a common rules set and game system.

Napoleon's Wheel will be the last TLNB entry to include cards.

The card deck in Napoleon's Wheel will be a universal (common) deck that will be the official card deck for all games to follow. (This deck will be available separately on OSG's online store.) Once you have a copy of this common deck you won't need another. The retail price of the games appearing after Napoleon's Wheel will be reduced to reflect the printing and manufacturing savings.

—description from the publisher


• scale: 480m (525 yards)/ hex;
• strength: 500-800 men/SP;
• turn-duration: 1 hour/turn

Availability_Sold_out period_Napoleonic publisher_OSG Default Title 99.99 OSG210A 2001 2021-06-28T12:48:16+01:00 2021-06-28T12:48:16+01:00 Napoleon at Leipzig (5th Edition) War Games OSG

Vendor: OSG
Type: War Games
Price: 93.99

In October 1813 Napoleon was finally forced to concentrate his multinational forces around the city of Leipzig within the Kindom of Saxony. With the three armies of the Anti-French Coalition approaching from all sides the stage was set for the largest European battle until World War I, the famous Battle of the Nations.

Napoleon at Leipzig is a comprehensive game with a proven track record of excellent re-playability, among the most popular Napoleonic wargames of all time with 20,000 copies in print across the first 4 editions. Now it has a bigger playing area and more manpower for both sides, all working within a smooth and efficient engine of 19th-century warfare.
With this edition all the units, set ups, maps, additional playing area, XIV Corps as Alternate Reinf. have been revised and brought up to the standard rules of The Library of Napoleonic Battles (vedettes, baggage trains, pontoons, cards...).
Innumerable details have been added, such as the sandpit outside Leipzig and over 33% more terrain on the two mapsheets. The basic unit is still the brigade but unit strengths have been revised. Each unit now has an Initiative rating based upon the troop quality. There are now vedettes, though only for light cavalry in the first wave of units. After the board is full and the positions of the armies are known, the scouting rôle of cavalry is over. The ever-critical baggage and pontoon trains are newly included. Perhaps the biggest game-changer is the possibility of hidden forces. But the impact, again, is limited, once the armies close for battle, by the fact that units within visual sight distance are revealed. We have bridge destruction and repair. Command works differently ... in the older version, Command was only required for Engaging with the enemy (i.e., entering EZOCs). Now units must either be In Command or make their Initiative roll to move at all.

The main huge battle between Napoleon’s Grande Armée and the coalition of Russia, Prussia, Austria and Sweden is simulated as well as the two starting engagements at Liebertwolkwitz and Wachau-Möckern.

Also included is Napoleon's last battle on German soil, when his last German ally, the Kingdom of Bavaria, changed sides and tried to block the retreating French army at Hanau. Bavarian General Wrede wasn't aware to meet Napoleon himself and the still powerful remnants of the French Army. So he offered battle, hoping to crush stranglers and routing French forces. Napoleon was said to be pleased to lecture his former Ally how to fight a real battle. It started at October 29th at about 08:00h and ended during the early morning hours of October 31st, when the mass of retreating French pushed their way free towards Frankfurt and Mainz.


  • Liebertwolkwitz, Epic Cavalry Battle, 13-14 Oct.
  • Wachau-Möckern, Fire on Two Fronts, 16 Oct.
  • Leipzig, Triple Envelopment, 17-18 Oct.
  • Hanau, Grande Armée in Retreat, 29-30 Oct.


Series: The Library of Napoleonic Battles (OSG) - formerly known as the "Napoleon's Last Battles (NLB-)Series"
- scale = 480m/hex,
- time = 1hour/GT,
- strength = 500-800 men/SP.

Availability_Sold_out period_Napoleonic publisher_OSG Default Title 93.99 OSG203 2001 2021-06-04T16:10:59+01:00 2021-06-04T16:10:59+01:00 Napoleon Invades Spain: Peninsular War, Part I War Games OSG

Vendor: OSG
Type: War Games
Price: 89.99

After the failure of Napoleon´s attempted takeover of Spain in early 1808, with a crushing defeat at Bailén in July with the surrender of a whole Corps under Dupont, plus defeats also at the sieges of Gerona, Zaragoza and Valencia, the French armies were almost back to their border, the Spanish army on the move, and a British army had landed in Portugal under a new commander, Sir Arthur Wellesley, future Lord Wellington.

Action was needed, and Napoleon mobilized 100.000+ veterans from Austerlitz, Jena and Eylau and lead them personally, aiming to definitely conquer Spain. He did not know that a hard fought six year war had just begun.

The Library of Napoleonic Battles TLNB-series, evolved from the very successful Napoleon´s Last Battles, combining a high level of historical detail and beautiful and accurate maps with excellent playability, is covering, at Brigade level, (almost) every major Napoleonic battle.
Napoleon in Spain is focusing on the first and second British interventions in Portugal and Spain in 1808 and in the two major battles of the second campaign of the "Guerra de la Independencia" in 1808.

Battles simulated are
  • Vimeiro - Wellington vs Junot. Portugal Reprised (21 August 1808)
  • Espinosa de los Monteros - Victor vs Blake and the Spanish Army of the Left (10-11 November 1808)
  • Tudela - Lannes vs Castaños. Defeat of the Spanish Army of the Right (23 November 1808)
  • La Coruña - Moore's Rear-Guard vs Soult (16 January 1809)
Availability_Sold_out period_Napoleonic publisher_OSG Default Title 89.99 790 2021-06-04T16:08:27+01:00 2021-06-04T16:08:27+01:00 Highway to the Kremlin II: Napoleon's March on Moscow (2nd Edition - 2021) War Games OSG

Vendor: OSG
Type: War Games
Price: 99.99

The Emperor was in a pensive, somber mood, riding upstream from Kovno to select a crossing place over the Niemen River. Removing his familiar colonel's coat he put on the jacket and black silk kalpak of a Polish lancer. His companions—who all advised against this invasion, Berthier, Davout, Caulaincourt, and the engineer Haxo—did the same. Galloping back to headquarters, a startled hare got under his horse, causing him to fall. This was an inauspicious portent that would have stopped a Roman general in his tracks.


Agents brought news placing Bagration near Volkovisk and Barclay between Lida and Keidany, with reserves near Svenciany. From Ney's Third Corps headquarters at Marianpole came the report of a Jewish merchant who had just returned from Lithuania—the Russians were pulling their forces back, leaving just a few Cossacks to keep an eye on the French. Alexander's generals were left guessing at the manpower Napoleon had assembled on their borders. The highest estimates, those of Barclay de Tolly and Phull, credited Napoleon with 250,000 men. In reality, the Grande Armée was nearly twice as massive, totaling 437,500 plus two corps in reserve. —Curtis Cate, War of the Two Emperors


If you have played Napoleon at Bay, you already know the Standard (Series 1X) Rules. For the Series 5X, there are a number of changes resulting from the increase in scale. Forage values are assigned by province. Russian Depots are printed on the map. Either side can capture or build a Depot which allows you to extend your LOC. For each Depot in the LOC you can add 8 hexes to the overall length. Depots help for Attrition but as the campaign wears on the capacity to garner new APs plummets.


Second Edition:
  • Thoroughly revised rulesbooks.
  • Reprinted map.
  • Upgraded counters (redone to current standards)
  • Revised and corrected set up information.
  • New design game box by Christopher Moeller


    • Reprint map covers European Russia from Tilsit to Moscow at a scale of 1:1,000,000. Turns average 5 days each. Corps and Army-Level Leaders deploy on-map, while Corps-level combat units assigned to each leader record their fluctuating strength on off-map displays


10 miles per /5 days per turn /5,000-man SPs

Playing Time:

3 hours up to 9 hours for the campaign.

Battle Scenarios:

Opening Moves, 24 June; Borodino, 4 September; Retreat, 20 October; Berezina, 19 November.

Availability_Sold_out period_Napoleonic publisher_OSG Default Title 99.99 680 2021-03-04T17:14:55+00:00 2021-03-04T17:14:55+00:00 La Bataille de Hanau War Games Legion Wargames

Vendor: Legion Wargames
Type: War Games
Price: 49.99

Vive l'Empereur Series is a simulation of the battles fought during the Napoleonic Era in Europe, between 1805 and 1815. The scale is the regiment, a good compromise between the brigade level (with no formations) and the detailed battalions. The scale is 250 m/hex and a turn is 30 minutes.

At the end of the campaign of 1813 in Saxony, after the defeat of Leipzi the Grande Armée retreats towards France, thus having to cross half of Germany. This retreat, from east to west, passes through Frankfurt, but in front of this city is a quite unexpected army, half formed of former allies of France, the Bavarians of General de Wrede. Bavaria, whose defection is only the last of a long series, is eager to keep its independence and the only possible way is to rally the coalition, forced by the presence of the Austrian corps commanded by Fresnel and Klenau. Thus Napoleon found before him not only an Austrian corps but also the troops supposed to watch it, these two corps forming an army of about 50,000 men, determined to cut the road to the French, convinced that it was only a mob of stragglers and that the task will be easy. De Wrede's was surprised when he realized that he did not have a few stragglers in front of him but the Imperial Guard, commanded by the Emperor himself ...

Availability_Sold_out period_Napoleonic players_Two publisher_Legion Wargames series_Vive L'Empereur Default Title 49.99 650 2021-01-22T12:29:54+00:00 2021-01-22T12:29:54+00:00 Dawns Early Light: The War of 1812 War Games Compass Games

Vendor: Compass Games
Type: War Games
Price: 65.99

Dawn’s Early Light: The War of 1812 is a two-player card-driven grand strategy game: a quick-playing, high-level abstract recreation of the entire conflict encompassing the territorial, naval, political, and economic competition between the two sides. Players will appreciate the high-production quality of the components which includes a MOUNTED game map and large, 5/8" size punch-out counters.

Players take the role of the United States or Great Britain over a four-year period spanning the war and its prelude, with game cards for events and operations that offer players the tools to remix the entire scope of the conflict. Events such as “Andrew Jackson,” “Old Ironsides,” “Laura Secord,” “Tippecanoe,” and “Dinner at the White House” recreate the characters and moments that shaped the war, while operations such as recruiting, campaigning, privateering, raiding, and shipbuilding let players take it in their own direction. Each side earns victory points for capturing the enemy’s towns and territory, outcompeting them at sea, and outmaneuvering them in politics and public sentiment.

Availability_Sold_out period_Napoleonic players_Solitaire players_Two publisher_Compass Games Default Title 65.99 CPS1110 1580 2020-11-14T11:25:39+00:00 2020-11-14T11:25:39+00:00 Commands & Colors: Napoleonics Expansion #2 – The Russian Army (3rd printing) War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 72.00

The Russian Army is a Coalition expansion for Commands & Colors Napoleonics.

Russia, was ruled until 1796 by Catherine the Great. It would then suffer under "Mad" Tsar Paul I, until his assassination in 1801, which brought his son Alexander I to the throne. Alexander, in command of a Russian army that was as vast as the territory from which it was drawn, did his best by various treaties and alliances to counter the increasing power of France under Napoleon without going to war.

The Russian army at the time of Napoleonic wars still had many characteristics of Peter the Great’s regime; senior officers were largely recruited from aristocratic circles, and the Russian soldier was regularly beaten and punished to instill discipline. Furthermore, many lower-level officers were poorly trained. Yet the Russians involved in hostilities with its neighbors - Sweden, Poland, Turkey and Austria - were capable of astonishing feats and total, blind obedience to orders.

In 1805 Britain and Russia signed an alliance against France. In 1806, Prussia joined the Coalition and Prussia and Russia mobilized for a fresh campaign. After Napoleon’s humiliation of Prussia at Jena, the French Emperor turned his attention to subduing his Russian foe and marched into Poland. After a series of sanguinary battles, the French drove Russian forces out of Poland back to Mother Russia and created a new Duchy of Warsaw, but made a solid treaty between the two nations at Tilsit.

In 1812, the Russo-French treaty gradually became strained, as the requirement of joining France's Continental Blockade against Great Britain was a serious disruption of Russian commerce. Bonaparte decided to bring the Russians back into line in June, and invaded Russia hoping to inflict a major defeat on the Russians and force Alexander to sue for peace. The invasion of Russia and the retreat of the French army, as many historians point out, proved to be the turning point in the Napoleonic Wars.

In 1813 Russia opened the campaign against Napoleon joined by Prussia and Austria, and during the three-day battle of Leipzig, Bonaparte's fate was sealed.

In this expansion you will find 18 historical scenarios that focus on the Russian Army battles from 1806 to 1814 against Napoleon, plus all the new units you’ll need to field for these engagements.

Availability_Sold_out period_Napoleonic publisher_GMT series_Commands & Colors Default Title 72.00 GMT1301-18 1200 2020-09-11T14:28:09+01:00 2020-09-11T14:28:09+01:00 Trois Batailles en Allemagne War Games Legion Wargames

Vendor: Legion Wargames
Type: War Games
Price: 98.99

Vive l'Empereur Series - Vol. IX

Vive l'Empereur Series is a simulation of the battles fought during the Napoleonic Era in Europe, between 1805 and 1815. The scale is the regiment, a good compromise between the brigade level (with no formations) and the detailed battalions. The scale is 250 m/hex and a turn is 30 minutes.

Jéna, fought on 14 October 1806, is the turning point of the 1806 campaign against Prussia. Eventually a crushing French victory, starting in the fog by Lannes engaging a single Prussian division under Tauentzien, it escalated into a full battle against Hohenlohe and half of the Prussian army, at first not fully grasping what he was facing, engaging his army piece-meal. While starting outnumbered, the French are at the top of their military value and the masterful concentration of the army during the day makes Jéna the epitome of victories. 

Auerstaedt, was fought on the same day, opposing Davout and his Third corps to the main Prussian army under Brunswick and the King of Prussia. An unexpected battle, as more troops enter the battlefield on both sides, a masterpiece where Davout earned his title of Duke of Auerstaedt.   At the end of that day, the two Prussian armies, both beaten in this double battle, join in a common rout, followed by a legendary pursuit lead by Murat to the destruction of the arrogant Prussian army in a few weeks.  

Both battles comes with many what-ifs and a total of 15 scenarios, using troops from both armies not historically engaged. Several scenarios give finally a real chance to the unlucky Prussians. 

Le siège de Danzig, simulates the siege of the great fortress of Danzig between March and May 1807, between the Eylau part of the campaign of Poland and its conclusion at Friedland. It is played on two maps, an operational map of the region of Danzig, using the regular Vive l’Empereur rules, and a siege map where the French player will build a siege network to get closer to the mighty walls to breach them. A lot happens on both maps, sorties, relief Russian forces under Kamenski, the Danzig morale that conditions victory goes up and down depending on the progress of the siege works and other events. The players will have to be patient, the siege can be won or lost on the last turn of play.

Availability_Sold_out period_Napoleonic publisher_Legion Wargames Default Title 98.99 1300 2020-09-09T17:32:35+01:00 2020-09-09T17:32:35+01:00 Napoleon 1807 War Games Shakos

Vendor: Shakos
Type: War Games
Price: 64.99

After the defeats of Auerstaedt and Jena, Prussia collapsed but has not yet surrendered. Their Russian ally arrives by the east to defy Napoléon. The tough Polish campaign is beginning.

When the game meets History

Napoléon 1807 is a game at the crossroads of History and simulation. It uses the same game system as Napoléon 1806.

With Napoléon 1807, in 1 to 2 hours, two players will relive the clashes between Russians and French in the heart of winter 1806-1807 in Poland. Three campaigns are proposed that retrace the terrible events that will culminate in the famous battles of Pultusk, Eylau and Friedland.

Napoléon 1807 is intended for seasoned grognads as well as for young conscripts who want to try a new playfull sensation. Strategy, anticipation, decision, are the engines of the Napoléon 1807 game system.

Availability_Sold_out conquerors period_Napoleonic players_Two Default Title 64.99 2340 2020-07-15T17:21:12+01:00 2020-07-15T17:21:12+01:00 Austerlitz 1805 War Games Trafalgar

Vendor: Trafalgar
Type: War Games
Price: 61.99

There were three emperors at Austerlitz. Two of those emperors were the product of hidebound tradition and court intrigue; the other was the product of an insatiable ambition for glory coupled with a limitless appetite for hard work. Two saw their armies in terms of being a regal adornment of colour, martial airs, and ceremonial drill; the other knew his army down to the last pot of axle grease and the face of every soldier aspiring to win a marshal’s baton. Two dallied with war; for the other, war was his stock-in-trade.

On December 2nd 1805, in a very ordinary part of Moravia, the mettle of all of them was put to the test.

Trafalgar Editions’ Austerlitz is a miniatures-orientated rendering of Napoleon Bonaparte’s greatest triumph. Using an adaptation of the system first seen in Waterloo 1815: Napoleon’s Last Battle, Austerlitz offers a larger battlefield for manoeuvre, the early morning effects of fog (hidden movement and the chance that forces will blunder into each other), and opposing armies of contrasting strengths and abilities.

The battle is played out on a beautiful and entirely grid-less rendering of the historical terrain, upon which players will deploy and move their forces. Those forces are represented by tokens of various size, depicting infantry in all the key Napoleonic formations, as well as cavalry in both column and line, and foot and horse artillery. Combining modern design sophistication with the practice and look of traditional kriegspiel, this is Napoleon’s greatest victory rendered the way the emperor himself would appreciate.

Availability_Sold_out period_Napoleonic publisher_Trafalgar Default Title 61.99 1800 2019-02-01T13:47:59+00:00 2019-02-01T13:47:59+00:00 Commands & Colors Napoleonics: Prussian Army Expansion 4 War Games GMT

Vendor: GMT
Type: War Games
Price: 72.00

The Prussian Army is a Coalition expansion for Commands & Colors Napoleonics.

During the Seven Years’ War, small Prussia under Frederick the Great defeated the armies of Austria, Russia, and France to increase the size of its territories two fold and become a major power in Europe. But in spite of Prussia’s reputation as a formidable fighting nation, Prussia withdrew from the First Coalition as an active opponent of the French Revolution and remain on the sidelines until the Fourth Coalition in 1806.

In 1806, the Prussian Infantry were products of a system that had not altered since the Seven Years' War. The cavalry although probably the best mounted in Europe thanks to the East Prussian horse studs, were scattered amongst the army divisions at Jena, and were committed in numerous uncoordinated attacks. In general, the lack of coordination of the arms in combat was one of the major causes of the Prussian defeat at Jena.

In the words of Napoleon…

"At Jena, the Prussian army performed the finest and most spectacular maneuvers, but I soon put a stop to this tomfoolery and taught them that to fight and to execute dazzling maneuvers and wear splendid uniforms were very different matters."

- Napoleon

In 1806 Napoleon crushed the fearsome Prussian military machine. The humiliation of military defeat and being forced to cede much of its territories forced the Prussian king, Frederick William III, into much-needed military reform. The new Prussian army that emerged became one of the finest in Europe., due in part to the organizational genius of Scharnhorst and Gneisenau and in part due to Field-Marshal Prince Blücher, who drove his regiments to fight with relentless vigor. In 1813 Prussia rejoined the war against Napoleonic France and the Prussian army under Blücher, although sometimes playing second fiddle to Austria, Russia and Great Britain, was a major force in bringing an end to Napoleon Bonaparte's rule.

In 1815 Napoleon returned to meet the English and Prussians, which would lead to his Waterloo. Prussia’s reward in 1815 at the Congress of Vienna was the recovery of her lost territories, as well as the whole of the Rhineland and Westphalia and other territories. Prussia therefore emerged from the Napoleonic Wars as the dominant power in Germany.

In this expansion you will find 18 historical scenarios that focus on the Prussian Army battles from 1806 to 1815 against Napoleon, plus all the new units you’ll need to field for these engagements.

- Richard Borg

Availability_Sold_out period_Napoleonic publisher_GMT series_Commands & Colors weightXestimated Default Title 72.00 GMT1408 1801 2019-01-03T13:51:26+00:00 2019-01-03T13:51:26+00:00 La Bataille de Dresde - The Battle of Five Crowns War Games Clash of Arms

Vendor: Clash of Arms
Type: War Games
Price: 125.99

Availability_Sold_out period_Napoleonic players_Five players_Four players_Seven + players_Six players_Three players_Two publisher_Clash of Arms weightXestimated Default Title 125.99 COA1210-130 3001