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The Western Front: 1914 to 1918, including The Schlieffen Plan

The Western Front: 1914 to 1918, including The Schlieffen Plan


  • €63.33

This games from David Schroeder's "Der Weltkrieg" series covers the main battles of the western front during the Great War. It includes a second edition of the previously published "The Schlieffen Plan." The other scenarios are

- Ypres and Artois 1915
- Verdun 1916
- The Somme Offensive. July 1916
- The Nivelle Offensive 
- The kaiserschlacht. March 1918

4 days/turn
Unit Sizes : Division / Brigade
1680 counters in six countersheets: Two for "The Schlieffen Plan" and four more to complete "The Western Front"
1 34"x22" map
Complexity = medium
Solitaire suitability = very high

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